Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Solution if Airport on mac OS X doesn't remember password (WPA2)

My mac os x keeps prompting for password everytime I restart when connecting to WPA2 enterprise wireless network. It works fine with my WEP home network. Went through many forums and saw different solutions for this problem. I tried out my own approach after collecting information from various forums. The below solution worked on my Snow leopard. Am not sure whether this works on other mac versions.

1] Turn Airport OFF
2] Open Network preferences (can be opened from Airport icon - Open network perferences on menu bar or System Preferences - Network)
3] Select Airport and click on Advanced
4] Delete your network from Airport remembered networks list.
5] Go to 802.1X and delete the USER PROFILE associated with the wireless network you are troubleshooting (Make sure you know all the values to enter at a later time. Its good idea to take a screenshot before deleting).
6] Open Keychain Access from Utilities
7] Select login from Keychains and All items from Category
8] Delete the keychain associated with your wireless network (If multiple entries for the same SSID exist, delete them all).
9] close all applications and restart (Not sure if restart is mandatory, but it worked for me).
10] Turn Airport ON
11] Select Join other network (even if your network is in the list).
12] Enter the network name and security type and then enter remaining details (same as in the 802.1x configuration page).

Now you should be able to connect to network and restarting should not prompt for password.

Best of luck